When was the last time you went to an art party? Maybe never!!
Daisy Chowdhry believes that everyone should be involved in art. She will help you simplify the art process by taking away the mystery and the terror. Overcome your personal limitations, step outside your comfort zone, and have the time of your life.
Join your fellow Rotarians and guests for an art party on Monday, August 22, 6:30 pm.
Please bring a snack to share. You can also bring a bottle of wine to share, if you so desire.
RSVP to Sachin Chowdhry, chowdhry15@gmail.com, 832-646-0250 by August 19. Cost--$28/person. Please give your check to the club treasurer.
MonArt School of Art
4007 Bellaire Blvd, Suite FF
In the Southside Place Shopping center with the Starbucks, upstairs.