West U Rotarians: People of Action!
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Giving to Benefit
West U Rotary has two primary fundraisers: the flag program and an annual golf tournament.  Proceeds from the flag program, along with general donations to the West U Rotary Foundation, enable us to make grants to groups and organizations in our own community and the worldwide community.
Local Grants
  • Easter Seals: Camp for All
  • Easter Seals: Summer Internships
  • Lamar High School: scholarships
  • YMCA: Mid Afternoon program
  • Operation Love: Blackshear Elementary
  • Challenger Baseball: West U team
  • Martha's Way
  • Dress for Success
  • Women's Resource: RISE Program
  • Camp Aranzazu
  • Rice University: scholarship for Service
  • Women's Home: Graduation
Service with
an Impact
As West U Rotarians we roll up our sleeves to help others, whether they are our neighbors across the street or across the globe. We are proud to volunteer our time and expertise to these activities:
Local Community
International Community
Inspiring Youth toward Service
The essence of Rotary is summed up in two mottos:
  • Service Above Self
  • People of Action
As Rotarians, we share these ideals with youth. We do this through three programs:
Rotary Youth Exchange Rotary Youth Exchange builds peace one young person at a time. Students learn a new language, discover another culture, and truly become global citizens. Exchanges for students ages 15-19 are sponsored by Rotary clubs in more than 100 countries.
Each year we send a high school student from Houston to another country and host a student from another country to experience life in Houston.
Rotary Youth Leadership Award: RYLA is a leadership development program for young people who want to learn new skills, build their confidence, and have fun. RYLA participants are nominated by local Rotary clubs. The cost is $350/student, and our club fully covers the cost.
Interact Clubs: Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills and learn about the world through service projects and activities. West U Rotary sponsors an Interact Club at Young Women's College Prep Academy.